How to Create a Novelty Slideshow Template. The Slide Editor View in the Content Area. Picture Package and Custom Package Panels. Photoshop As a Sandwich Filler for Lightroom. Creative Sharpening With the Adjustment Tools. Improved Lightroom 3 Raw Image Processing. Hsl Panel: Desaturated Color Adjustments. How to Set Default Camera Develop Settings. Combining Basic and Tone Curve Adjustments.
Basic Adjustments and the Histogram Panel. Steps to Successful Calibration and Profiling. Finding the Link From the Catalog to a Folder. Gps Metadata and Linking to Google Earth�. Rating Images Using Numbered Star Ratings. Importing Photos Directly From the Camera. Adding Photos From a Folder to the Catalog.
Planning Where to Store Your Imported Photos. Saving the Shortlisted Photos As a Collection. Reviewing the Final Shortlist in Survey Mode. Customizing the Identity Plate and Appearance.